Download game maplestory flash

Email required Address never made public. Name required. Blog Stats 2, hits. French revolution! Bastille PQ. Blog at WordPress. Follow Following. Sign me up. Already have a WordPress. The dot to the right of that will 'lock' the layer so you can still see it, but you cannot edit it. This is useful when you're dealing with multiple layers and many objects in the same vicinity.

You may wish to lock the other layers. I like x , but don't go any further then that because most websites don't allow larger dimensions. If you have, you can extend it. You will notice that your character will immediately get stuck and will be able to fly upwards with the jump button. This is because of the hitTest method we used. It was merely a basic hitTest, and only tested the 'boundry box' collisions between the two objects.

Look into your 'ground' Movie Clip. Scroll all the way to the left and all the way to the right where the ground starts and ends. You should allow a little extra. Write down somewhere Notepad is awesome! Note: The below picture is silly. You only need the x positions. Code: Select all stopAttacking. Code: Select all if Key. Code: Select all stop ;. I chose 'Rellik'. Name it 'Monster. You should be getting used to this as it is routine part of Maplestory flash game development : 16 - Exit the 'child' Movie clip so you are in the Movie Clip which has a Movie Clip within it.

Drag the first frame Or sprite, whatever you wish to call it of each animation sequence into an individual frame. If your monster does not have any one of these sequences, simply leave the frame blank. Code: Select all default:break;. Code: Select all if this. Code: Select all powerHit.

Re: [Tutorial] How to create a basic maplestory flash game Post by chobbilight » Sat Apr 04, pm i cant do save sprite sheet. O Oh Mai Gawd!

It was a small project to improve my coding skills but I would love to have it in your section of games; it would certainly make it work finishing. Zeru : ayumi mind sharing my projects here? Two maple rpg games, and a maple fighting game. I removed the video to replace with a new one now its this one. Hey ayum do you know that if you search games on google they will come up with the maplestory games that you made?

What about HermitStory v2? I love how in Hackerstory 0. I have no idea how because of the japanese language…. I found a flash game that I think you should put on your list. I found it on mapleanime. I believe this is the best flash game ever made with Maplestory sprites. Hey Ayumilove i am still confused on how to install the bandit story RPG a more detailed guide pls??? Is maple island the only island that we could play on?

I like ur flash game!! Its kinda fun…. Btw, MapleCity is quite fun to play but still something is missing!!!! Ayumi why u dont just do a reveiew on their game, i found MapleCity is 2nd good maple story flash game after MapleFlash….

Ayumi, is it possible for u to make handphone games for maplestory? Currently we were hunting for developer to develop it game into mutiplayer RPG flash game soon. So pls support us to develop a marvelous flash game like MapleCity. Note that all developer of the game have different rights on the project depending on their contribution to the game. Everyone is welcomed to develop this multiplayer game together.

Please Tell Me!! Hermit Treasure Hunter. You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Google account. You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new posts via email.

How to run SWF files? Extract them first! Bandit Story RPG version. Ayumilove MapleStory Baptism Ergoth. Enigma Chamber - Meet Christopher - the one who discovered Masteria! El Nath Fire Wizard Quest. Ayumilove vs GM in HackerStory.


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