Filter design book download
Calculate LC filters circuit values with low-pass, high-pass, band-pass, or band-stop response. Select Chebyshev, Elliptic, Butterworth or Bessel filter type, with filter order up to 20, and arbitrary input and output impedances.
Filter Properties Response. Lowpass Highpass Bandpass Bandstop. Shunt First Series First. Cutoff Frequency. Lower Cutoff Frequency. Upper Cutoff Frequency. Passband Ripple dB. Stopband Atten. Direct Coupled Capacitor Value. Direct Coupled Inductor Value. Additional Settings Component Values. Exact Standard. Capacitor Values. Capacitor Value. Inductor Values. Inductor Value. To check the response, first, vary the values of parameters like passband return loss , stopband attenuation , impedance , and passband frequency.
After that, press Enter to view the filter response in the graph section. AktivFilter is a free filter designer software for Windows. It is a feature-rich software through which you can design notch filter , active bandpass filter , high pass filter , lowpass filter , etc.
Its most important feature is, that it is able to coordinate a filter design on opamp types which means later adjustment on the built circuit is not required. While designing the highpass , lowpass, or bandpass filter , you can select the characteristic from Bessel , Butterworth , and Chebychev types. There are various component values that you can select for the filter like resistors e12, e24, etc.
After entering the required parameters, press the Ok button to view the output value in the form of a graph.
In the results section of this software, you can view the complete filter design , right values for each required filter component , and output filter parameters gain, frequency, stage, etc. Overall, this software provides the most detailed result through which you can create a physical filter with ease.
The output filter design can be saved as HTML file format. Note : In this free version, you will face various limitations like only three available Op-amps, limited orders of filters only 1st and second order high pass and low pass filter , etc. Speaker Box Filter Designer is another free and portable filter designer software for Windows.
You can create both active and passive filters through this software. Not just that, a dedicated coil calculator to calculate the number of turns according to input values inductance and cross-section are of wire is also available. In its passive filter menu, you get the options to calculate the first and second order passive audio filter for 2 way and 3 way speaker boxes. By entering the woofer impedance , tweeter impedance , midrange impedance , frequency , and frequency high values , you can get the output.
After calculation, you will get the accurate inductance and capacitance values of components which are required to build the filter. Now to create the active filter, first, go to active filters section and select desired filter type LPF and HPF and filter order 1st, 2nd, and 3rd and press the continue design button.
After that, a small window will open up that contains the design of the filter. Plus, a resistance calculator to calculate R1 and R2 values according to input approximation Butterworth and Bessel , capacitance, and frequency values, is also available. By using the various output or component values and the circuit diagram , you can create a physical filter.
TinyCad is yet another free filter designer software for Windows. In this software, you can easily create the layout of the filter by connecting the important filter components and wire. All important components like inductors , variable inductors , capacitor , resistors , Op-amps , etc. You can easily select and drop any component to editor section and create a filter or any other circuit design with ease. You can also save the created filter design as.
This software has one problem that it does not provide any analysis tool or section, due to which you will not be able to view the response of the designed filter. In general, it is a straightforward software in which you can quickly create and save the layout of any filter. Pi Filter Designer is a free and portable filter designer software for Windows.
This software is mainly used to design low pass pi filters. The design created by this software can only contain 3 elements and a fixed impedance of 50 ohms. Though, you can vary the values of primary capacitors C1 and C2 between 39 pF to pF and also the values of other capacitors which are parallel to primary capacitors between 0 to pf.
According to the input values, you get the values of the required inductor uH , cut off frequency , and total capacitance. The output values help you to select the right components for the desired Pi filter. Passionate about tech and science, always look for new tech solutions that can help me and others. Home Page. Download Page.