Microsoft client for nfs
Under Roles Summary in the right pane, click Add Roles. The Add Roles Wizard appears. Click Next. Select the File Services check box to install this role on the server, and then click Next. Confirm your selection, and then click Install.
When the installation completes, the installation results appear. Click Close. Download Microsoft Edge More info. Contents Exit focus mode. Is this page helpful? Please rate your experience Yes No. Any additional feedback? Submit and view feedback for This product This page. View all page feedback. In this article. NFS version 3 continuous availability. However, with AsJob , the job is created on the local computer, even though the job runs on a remote computer, and the results of the remote job are automatically returned to the local computer.
Specifies that the NFS client must perform case-sensitive lookups of file names for NFS shares that are mounted locally. Runs the cmdlet in a remote session or on a remote computer. The default is the current session on the local computer. The permissions that this property specifies are set for all new files created on mounted shares.
With UNIX-style mode bits also known as the three-digit octal notation , each numeral represents a different component of the permission set: user class, group class, and "others" class.
Each of these digits is the sum of its component bits. As a result, specific bits add to the sum:. The read bit adds 4 to its total in binary The write bit adds 2 to its total in binary The execute bit adds 1 to its total in binary Individual octal digit values represent the following: 0 -- no permission 1 -- x execute 2 -- w write 3 -- wx write and execute 4 -- r read 5 -- r-x read and execute 6 -- rw read and write 7 - rwx read, write, and execute.
Specifies the input to this cmdlet. You can use this parameter, or you can pipe the input to this cmdlet. Valid values are Hard and Soft. Returns an object representing the item with which you are working. By default, this cmdlet does not generate any output.