Mississippi department education alternate route programs
You need to choose an alternate route program. Many candidates choose a program based on these criteria:. Once you have successfully completed your testing you must enroll in an alternate route program and complete the training or coursework required.
You will then be ready for your initial alternate license and internship. Submit to the Office of Educator Licensure a completed licensure application, an official transcript showing a bachelor's degree non-education , your original Praxis scores and proof of alternate route enrollment.
The internship is your first year of teaching. If you cannot see qualifying scores in the tables below, please contact us by phone or email praxis ets. If you test in Mississippi at a testing center or using the Praxis at home solution, and your Praxis profile address is in Mississippi, your score report will be sent automatically to the Mississippi Department of Education.
If you test outside Mississippi or your Praxis profile address is not in Mississippi , your scores are NOT automatically sent to the Mississippi Department of Education. Students seeking licensure in another state are advised to contact the appropriate licensing board in that state to determine specific requirements of guidelines for reciprocity.
For a list of the state departments of education that oversee professional teaching licensure, see the U. Department of Education website - State Contacts page. For questions, please contact Dr. Jay Howell at James. Email James. Phone Email Bridgette. Expert Citizen License. MS Code Ann. This is a one-year license that can only be requested by an employing local school district or an eligible nonpublic school in the state of Mississippi.
This license is issued at the Class A level. Expert Citizen Guidance. Veteran Teacher License. The veteran teacher license is for a teacher who has documented teaching experience. Evidence of progress in completing the necessary requirements for adding the designated endorsement to become Highly Qualified must be documented to renew this license.
Veteran teacher requests for educators that hold a five-year standard license must be submitted by an employing local school district via the Educator Licensure Management System ELMS.
If an educator holds a three-year alternate route internship license and at least one year of documented education experience, the veteran request must be submitted by uploading the following documentation:. Verification of Experience. Please note: If an educator holds a three-year Career and Technical Education CTE license and at least one year of documented education experience, a veteran teacher license can be issued in other CTE endorsement areas only.
Special Non- Renewable License. The special, non-renewable license is a one-year license that can only be requested by an employing local school district or an eligible nonpublic school in the state of Mississippi for up to three 3 years for a candidate who has not met all certification requirements under the Miss.
Code Ann. All special non-renewable licenses are assigned specific year one, year two and year three requirements. Special Non-Renewable License Categories:. Traditional Teacher Preparation Program Completers. The special, non-renewable license for prospective non-traditional teacher preparation program completers provides local school officials with the ability to employ a candidate who has the potential to obtain a standard Mississippi teaching license by the completion of a Mississippi State Board of Education approved alternate route teacher education preparation program.
Remedial courses also referred to as compensatory, developmental, or basic skills will not be recognized for option B certification purposes and are usually numbered below on the transcript.
Adjunct Teachers. This licensure option provides local school district officials with the ability to employ candidates who possess the potential to earn full educator certification while temporarily addressing the ongoing teacher shortage.
The special, non-renewable license for Adjunct Teachers can be requested for an individual who meets the following pre-conditions in addition to criteria outlined in the subsequent sections:.