Pokemon diamond game walkthroughs
Twinleaf Town - Head downstairs to talk to your Mom. Twinleaf Town - Head to your friend's house. Twinleaf Town - Meet your friend near Route Route - Walk to Lake Verity.
Lake Verity - Open briefcase and choose a starter to fight wild Starly. Verity Lakefront - Meet Prof. Rowan at lab, and tour around. Route - Prof. Whether or not the games have performed quite as well elsewhere in the world remains to be seen, but the overall reception from those who have picked them up has so far been pretty positive despite one or two bugs and glitches.
That said, there are one or two mechanics that are unique to the gen 4 games, as well as a few things that were created specifically for the Switch remakes. With that in mind, even series veterans may need a little help here and there, especially if it's been a while since they last played a Pokemon game.
This section of the guide has been designed to cater to just about everybody, meaning that both rookie and veteran trainers should find elements of it useful. There's a healthy selection of how-to guides that focus on some of the gen 4 exclusive mechanics, as well as some general tips and tricks for those looking to improve or better-balance their teams. Finally, there are answers to some of the more frequently asked questions that players might have about the two games.
For those who haven't though, they'll be taking on the role of a young Pokemon trainer as they travel around the Sinnoh region with a view to becoming a Pokemon Champion. To do that, they'll need to defeat eight powerful gym leaders and then four more elite trainers who are fittingly known as The Elite Four.
Once all 12 opponents have been taken care of, players will have earned the right to take on the region's reigning champion in the hopes of claiming the title for themselves. Along the way, they'll also need to do battle with a group of evil villains who are hellbent on creating a new universe from the ashes of the current one. There's a healthy smattering of post-game content for players to look forward to as well, some of which was created specifically for the remakes.
Ever since the very first Pokemon games were released more than a quarter of a century ago, the number of Pokemon has grown dramatically. Of course, this is still more than three times as many as in the gen 1 games, meaning that those hoping to catch them all are going to have their work cut out for them. As is tradition for the franchise, both games feature a number of version-specific Pokemon , which also include several Legendaries. These guides will not only explain where to find all of these Pokemon, but also how players can catch some of the more elusive Pokemon that are found throughout the two games.
Indeed, within just a few hours of their release, the games had already taken the top two spots on the Nintendo eShop site in various territories. With physical sales data still to come, however, that's very likely just the tip of the iceberg. Any further news about sales, or anything else connected to the titles in general, for that matter, will appear in this section.
Due to the startling number of bugs found in the games at launch, there's also an entire subsection dedicated to all of the technical issues and glitches that have been discovered so far. This is also where readers can expect to find opinions about the games themselves; though not just about how good or bad they are, but also on some of the themes and ideas that they explore.
Xbox platform owner Microsoft is giving players new ways to rack up thousands of free points to use on rewards through daily quests. There is tons to do after completing the main story. Buckle up! Your journey as a Pokemon master is just starting. If you're just interested in Legendary Pokemon, see how to catch each of them in this slideshow - otherwise, keep reading:.
Here is a list of everything you can do in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl post game, in the order in which you can or should do them. Now that you've freed them, they've returned to their corresponding lake and are available for capture - though you technically could have done this before taking on the Elite Four. The latter, however, will flee and roam the region when encountered.
One of the first things you want to do after defeating Tap to Reveal is to see the first Sinnoh Pokemon—you might've seen the majority of them if you've been battling all trainers since the beginning of the game.
If you're missing several Pokemon, use our Sinnoh Pokedex page as a guide to their location. Drifloon is a common missing one, as are the Lake Guardians mentioned above. He'll upgrade your current Pokedex into the National Pokedex. You'll also receive the Poke Radar as a bonus!
The Poke Radar is a Key Item you need to equip to use, like the Bicycle for example, which will then show shaking grass.
See Poke Radar Pokemon to see all the Pokemon exclusive to this method and more information. Head inside the building - a pool is out front - and talk to the Game Director upon seeing every Pokemon in the Sinnoh Pokedex.
He'll give you a Catching Charm, which increases the chance you'll get an immediate critical capture. There's also three Trainers to battle to help you get money and EXP, so help yourself. If you go inside of the cave to the back, you can pick up a Antidote, and can also fight Geodudes and Zubats. He will use a L7 Starly and then a L9 of the Pokemon that he started with. The Starly should be pretty easy, although the starter can be a bit more challenging.
If you picked Piplup, you're probably not going to be having a fun time against the Turtwig he will use since it likes to use Withdraw a lot. A Starly of your own at Level 9 or higher for Wing Attack is a good way to counter that. After beating him, he will run off toward Oreburgh City to try and challenge the Gym Leader there. Now, there's quite a few Trainers to fight along the way. They're all pretty easy, though, but will give some good EXP for your Pokemon, so I would recommend fighting all that you can, running back to the Pokemon Center in case you get weak.
Make your way through the Trainers and you'll find a cave entrance. If you don't have any Water- or Grass-type attacks in your Pokemon move pool, you should definitely go back and heal before you enter. I'd recommend doing that anyway, just to be on the safe side.
There be Trainers in the tunnel! He'll tell you about HMs and such, and will let you know that you have to beat the Oreburgh Gym Leader in order to use it out of battle. Proceed to fight your way through the two Trainers inside of the cave, then exit.
You'll be coming back here soon enough. He'll tell you that you're too late to see the Gym Leader and that he went down to the Oreburgh Coal Mine. You can get a Great Ball if you talk to a Youngster in the upstairs of one of the buildings. You can also get a Super Potion if you talk to the guy with the Machop near the entrance to the Mine. Whenever you're ready, head to the southern end of the town and enter the Mine.
One Pokemon to watch out for is Onix, who appears rather rarely. In the second area of the mine, take a left when the path branches and jump down the ledge.
Pick up the Escape Rope, and then fight with the Worker there if you want to. Keep going and then talk to the guy with the hardhat on. He'll then invite you to come to the Gym to challenge him. Pick up the Potion, and then fight against the Worker optional. When you're all done down here, find your way back to the entrance, heal up at the Pokemon Center, and get ready for your first Gym Battle!
The Trainers in here all use Rock- type Pokemon, which is pleasant if you started with Piplup or Turtwig. However, if Chimchar is your Starting Pokemon, then you might have a bit of difficulty. Definitely make sure that you train your Chimchar to Level 14 or higher so it will evolve into Monferno and learn Mach Punch. Definitely use one catch one if you don't already have it if you ran into any difficulties in the Mine or cannot handle the Trainers in the Gym.
After getting past the two Youngsters, you'll get to go head-to-head against the Gym Leader that you met in the Mine, Roark. The Geodude knows Stealth Rock, which, after it's been used, will damage any Pokemon that you switch in. If you have none of those attacks at your disposal, use your strongest Special-based attacks, because Geodude has a lot weaker Special Defense than it does Defense.
Onix comes out next, although fortunately its stats make it fairly tame. Just give it the same treatment you gave Geodude and you'll be fine, although avoid using Mach Punch or any other Physical-based attack here unless you use something like Leer first, because Onix has ridiculously high Defense Razor Leaf will still cut it, though.
Lastly, Roark brings out his Cranidos, which is like a Rock dinosaur thingy. Those attacks will do the most damage to it.
After your victory, he will give you the Coal Badge, which will allow you to use Rock Smash remember that? Stealth Rock isn't really too good of a move to teach your Pokemon in-game, so I wouldn't advice teaching it to any of your Pokemon for now. Heal up at the Pokemon Center, save your game, and then head back to the Oreburgh Gate. Rival will bump into you and tell you that the next Gym in in Eterna City. The path to Eterna City from Route requires a Bicycle, so it's impossible to take that Route, but you can take the path from Jubilife City to get there instead.
So, looks like it's time to go back to Jubilife City! See section 5. On your way through the Oreburgh Gate, you can take the north path and use Rock Smash to find a basement area with two items TM70, which contains Flash, and Stardust, which you can sell for cash. You can do more here later on, so keep that in mind.
You can catch a Machop and pick up two Poke Balls, but that's about it. You will be up on that ledge later on. Make your way north when you're ready and you will find Dawn and the Professor with two people dressed in blue.
They will reveal themselves as Team Galactic, and will engage you in a battle. For those of you that are unfamiliar with Double Battling, you basically just get to select which Pokemon you're attacking now, and there are two Pokemon on each side of the field.
Fortunately, Dawn's Pokemon is way stronger than either of the Team Galactic Grunts, plus you still have your Pokemon, so these two should be a piece of cake. After the battle, they'll run off. After some more dialogue, the two will leave, but you'll then be approached by another man who tells you that the TV Station is now open and will give you a Fashion Case.
You can collect little accessories that you can use to dress up your Pokemon with inside of the TV Station. Before leaving, you might as well check out the TV Station. Inside, on the first floor, you can fight against random Trainers in the karaoke corner. These Trainers have fairly high level Pokemon in comparison to what you've been fighting against, so be careful. One of the Trainers more like two, really you can fight are the Interviewers.
Definitely focus your attacks on only one Pokemon at a time to make the fight easier in the long run. After winning, you'll get a TON of money. You can find the Dress Up Room on the 2nd Floor. It's in the room in the wall by the stairs. Before entering, though, talk to the man in the hall to receive a Mask of your Starting Pokemon for your Accessories.
Now you can go into the room, and just talk to the guy guarding the door, and then you'll get to choose a Pokemon to dress up. Choose one, and then dress it up! After dressing it up, you will need to give it a title, and then it will be displayedo n the wall. On the 3rd Floor, you can find a whole ton of Records and stuff.
The 4th Floor has absolutely nothing of interest, so don't even bother. Whenever you're done dressing up your Pokemon and whatnot, head back to where you encountered the Team Galactic dudes and head northbound back to Route North. If you smash your way to the left, you can pick up TM39 Rock Tomb.
Then, smash to the right and leave the cave. There are some Trainers to fight, as well as an Awakening and TM09 Bullet Seed to pick up, so tend to all of these before making your way north to Floaroma Town.
This is the first town that Berries will be available to you. All you need to do to pick a Berry is to go up to the plant and press A, and you'll receive a Berry. I'm not going to list the locations of any of the Berries you get in this Walkthrough at least not for now , so just pick 'em and go, ok?
There's not a whole ton to do in this town right now, but there are some items you can pick up. For starters, go inside of the red house that's directly north of the entrance to town and talk to the girl inside. Answer yes to her question, and she will give you TM88 Pluck. Inside of the Flower Shop, talk to the lady on the left to receive the Sprayduck, which you can use to water Berries to make them produce more when you pick them. If you talk to the lady on the right, she will give you a random berry once per day.
Lastly, talking to the blonde-haired lady will let you purchase accessories for your Pokemon for Dress Up by exchanging Berries. Pay no attention to the Galactic Goons at the northwest section of the screen. How awful. You'll see two Galactic Goons guarding the bridge, and, as expected, they won't let you pass.
So, let's help the girl out, and make your way over to the Valley Windworks for now. You will see Drifloon standing outside of the Windworks and will not find it in the field. After beating him, he'll taunt that you need a Key in order to get inside, and will enter, locking the door behind him. Fortunately for you, there's some Galactic Goons back in Floaroma Town. Return there and go to the Northwest corner of town - where the Galactic Grunts were - and enter the Floaroma Meadow.
After beating them, they'll run off, and the old man will give you the Works Key that they dropped. Hmm, I wonder what that could be used for? He also gives you some Honey. You can either use Honey outside of battle - in a place where you can encounter wild Pokemon - to start a fight against a wild Pokemon immediately, similarly to using the Sweet Scent attack outside of battle.
Or, you can slather the Honey on the golden trees that you'll see all over the place, and then come back in between six and nine hours to hopefully find the tree shaking. The tree will then have a random Pokemon from this list, with some Pokemon being rarer than others: - Wurmple common - Silcoon Diamond-only - Cascoon Pearl-only - Combee uncommon - Burmy uncommon - Cherubi uncommon - Aipom rare - Heracross rare - Munchlax very rare If you wait longer than 24 hours, the Honey on the tree will lose its potency, and whatever Pokemon would have been on it will be gone.
Also, saving your game and restarting it has no effect on the Pokemon that is on the Honey tree, but it can affect the wild Pokemon's level and gender if you reset, so that is useful if you're looking for, say, a female Combee. Now that you have the Works Key, return to the Valley Windworks and open the door. Follow the left path, and fight the Grunt blocking the door. Fight the other Grunt in the next room if you want, but save your strength, because you're going to have a Boss Battle up ahead.
Approach the person in the red hair, and she'll introduce herself as the Team Galactic Commander, Mars, and then say a bunch of stuff about Team Galactic, followed by challenging you to a fight. If she wins, you'll leave; if you win, they'll leave. Her Zubat knows Toxic, which will Badly Poison your Pokemon, making it take more damage from Poison with every turn that passes.
Her Purugly, the big cat thingy, is very quick and will usually enter the fight using Fake Out to inflict some damage and force you to skip a turn. Administer Potions if you get weak, but otherwise just use your strongest attacks against it. It has an Oran Berry on it, which will heal 10 HP when it gets weak. The good news is you'll get a massive EXP for beating it!
After beating her, she and the other Team Galactic members will run off and the nerdy technician guy will tell you some stuff until his daughter runs in, telling him that he needs a shower. Now you can cross the bridge on Route that was blocked off. Time to return there! After healing your Pokemon, of course.
Trainers, Trainers, everywhere! There are plenty of Trainers along the way north, so be sure to fight them to help get some EXP. There's also a few items you can pick up as well. Eventually, you will cross another bridge this one over a cliff, not water and will find a red house shortly afterward. Talk to the lady inside of the house to conveniently heal your Pokemon. Also, south of the house, you can find a Super Potion. Whenever you're ready, enter the forest to the north.
Yep, every encounter in this forest will be a Double Battle. Egg Bomb does a surprisingly high amount of damage, actually. Anyway, how wild Double Battles work is you can only catch throw a Poke Ball when there is one Pokemon left. Chansey can unfortunately make this a bit of a burden, because it will often times Egg Bomb the wrong Pokemon and use Softboiled even if it doesn't really need to. One interesting point is that you will be fully healed after every single battle while Cheryl is with you, which makes Training here pretty cool, actually.
And, Chansey doesn't seem to leech any of the EXP you get from fights. This place is actually somewhat of a maze, so I'll help with directions. Start by going east, then north, battling the Bug Catcher and Lass. Keep going along the path, until you find two Psychics.
They both have Abras with Hidden Power, but they're pretty easy. Then, keep going south until you see two Bug Catchers. If you want the EXP, fight 'em the go north at the next branch; otherwise, go north and take the first right. Then, go north through the Psychics if you want to fight them, or west if you would rather not.
Either way, make your way to the northeastern area of the forest, then go north. Now head west, a bit more north some Honey is west, though , then east and Cheryl will thank you for taking her out of the forest and leave.
Too bad. The one with the 6 Magikarp really ticks me off. You can also pick up a Potion in the muddy area south of the exit of the bridge. Before you rush to the Gym, you might want to take some time to check the town out, because there's a bit to do here. You can change your Pokemon's Nickname by talking to the old man inside of the tall building next to the Poke Mart southern side of town.
Also, inside of the same building, you can trade a Buizel which you can catch just outside of the city for a Chatot. You can also pick up the Explorer Kit by talking to the old man in the building to the right of the Pokemon Center. You can use this to dig into Sinnoh Underground, which is a large mini-game where you can dig for items to help build your Secret Base, play games with other people over a local DS connection, and dig for buried artifacts like fossils.
You can take these fossils to the Museum in Oreburgh City to turn them into Cranidos and Shieldon respectively. If you explore the northern area of town, a gothic-looking chick will stop you and notice your Pokedex. She'll recognize you working for Professor Rowan, introduce herself as Cynthia, and will talk about how she's been investigating Pokemon mythology. She'll eventually give you HM01 Cut , and then leave.
You can't use this yet, though; you have to beat the Eterna City Gym Leader first. They're cheaper than the normal healing items, but they come at the price of lowering your Pokemon's happiness. Chances are, you won't really care about this, unless you're trying to raise a Pokemon like Budew, so you can buy some of these items as a cheap alternative to regular items. Buying a few Revival Herbs is not a bad idea, especially since Revives are hard to get at this point in the game. If you keep going, you'll eventually stumble upon a Route with some Trainers, a cave and an item, which is covered in section 5.
Ponyta is particularly helpful if you're having difficulties in Eterna Gym. But south of her is TM12 Taunt. There's also nothing to find inside of the cave for now except for a Revive hidden in the rock near the door examine the rock to find it. You'll need Strength much later in the game in order to proceed any further. The first Trainer is located by the Gym Leader's area north of start.
You can find her in the first branch to the left, then moving south a little bit. The second one can be found by making your way down the left-most corridor, at the dead-end. The third is hiding behind the three small trees near the entrance to the room. And lastly, the final Trainer, is in the very northeastern-most corner, which is accessable by taking the first right from the entrance all the way to the end.
After defeating all four of them, Gardenia will appear in the northern area of the room. Heal up, save your game, and get ready to earn your second Gym Badge! You should be able to take it out with little difficulty. Turtwig knows Reflect, which will half the effectiveness of your Physical- based attacks for 5 turns.
Plus, it has pretty high Defense. Her Roserade is quite tricky to beat, though, because it's both strong and at a high level. Roserade likes to start out by Paralyzing things with Stun Spore, so watch out and administer Parlyz Heals or Cheri Berries as required. After beating her, you will receive the Forest Badge, which lets you use Cut outside of battle, and makes it so traded Pokemon up to Level 30 will obey you.
She'll also give you another present, TM86 Grass Knot. You can also use Cut on the bush in the northeast part of the lot to access a path that will take you to TM46, Thief. After getting that, enter the black building. You'll need to fight the two Grunts guarding the stairs Double Battle.
On the second floor, there will be lots of Galactic Goons on computers. The first and third one from the left will fight you if you talk to them. Go up to the third floor, fight the Grunt and the Scientist. On the fourth floor, you'll see another Team Galactic Commander, Jupiter, who has captured someone's Pokemon. Don't be afraid to switch out Pokemon if you are having difficulty hitting with your attacks. After beating her, she'll run off, and the man will be thankful to you for getting his Pokemon back and will invite you to come to the Bicycle Shop.
Leave the building and go to the Bicycle Shop. Talk to the guy that you just saved and he'll give you the Bicycle. To use the Bicycle, you have to be outside or in a cave. You can press B to change gears for different speeds and such. Now run far south into the building to enter Cycling Road.
This is a very helpful item for raising new Pokemon, because you can even train weaker Pokemon without fear of them getting Knocked Out or without having to switch your Active Pokemon every fight. There are a ton of Trainers down Cycling Road, which you must use a Bicycle to ride down. They use a variety of types, so just kind of use whatever works well on them.
You'll get a good amount of money, as well as EXP, for beating all of them, so I would definitely do so. Eventually, you'll reach the bottom of Cycling Road. You can talk to the blonde-hair girl in the station to receive a Flag for your Accessory Case can be used for Dress Up.
Route is right outside of the building. It's completely optional, though, so just head south if you don't mind missing out on a chance to catch some new Pokemon. In the area, you can find several Pokemon that you haven't seen before or, at the very least, haven't encountered in the wild.
Bronzor is a pretty hard-to- find Pokemon in this Route, but makes a great tank. Ponyta is also a really good Fire-type Pokemon, and if you started with either Piplup or Turtwig, you will probably feel lacking in the Fire department no joke there. You can also pick up the Poison Barb to help boost the power of your Pokemon's Poison- type attacks. Near the back of Route , you'll find a cave. The cave is called the Wayward Cave, and unless you're feeling like exploring a frustrating dungeon maze without too great of a reward, I'd advise staying away from it.
If you are really feeling up to it, please see Section 6. On the bright side, you can stop inside to have a better chance of finding a Bronzor, in case you were looking for one. Whenever you're done in Route , just return to the exit of Cycling Road, take a few steps south, and you're already in Route Regardless of which hand you pick, she'll give you the Vs. Seeker, which is almost exactly like the Vs. Seeker from FireRed and LeafGreen.
It's a really nice item to use to fight Trainers again and again to get lots of money and EXP. She'll also give you the Dowsing Machine app for your Pokektch similar to the Item Finder in previous games. To use it, change the Poketch until you see crosshairs, then touch the screen. If there are any hidden items nearby, they will show up as a dot on your Poketch. Just keep moving around until the dot is in the middle of the crosshairs, then take one step away and press A on the previous spot as if there were an item there; remember, pressing A while you are still ON the spot won't do you any good , and you'll get it.
You can pick up a Revive in this way by doing that right after you get the Dowsing Machine. There are now some optional areas you can go to at this point. You don't have to visit any of them, but you might want to check them out. You can return to the Poketch Company Building and talk to the President on the first floor, by the receptionist to receive the Memo Pad Poketch Application.
In the basement of the cave requires Rock Smash , there's a ramp that you can use your Bike to get across. Make sure that your Bicycle's Gear is set to Speed the fast mode; you'll know , then ride it across the ramp-like thingy and you can get TM31 Brick Break.
There is also a place that you can Surf here, but that's not something you need to worry about now. Just remember it. After the cave, there is a bush that can be Cut by the two twins. You can find a girl back there who will give you TM78, Captivate.
Immediately after exiting Eterna Forest, head south and Cut the bushes blocking the way, and you'll be in the outside area of Hakutai Forest. Follow the path and you'll eventually find a girl who will give you an Accessory. Return to the back part of the forest and you can use Cut on the bushes blocking the path that was previous unaccessable. There will be a large house in the back, and you can pick up an Ether. You can enter the house to be inside of the Old Chateau. Please see the Old Chateau section for info on what's inside.
Continue to the east and proceed to fight a handful of Trainer Battles, one of which being a Double Battle. Make your way to the cave entrance on the eastern side and proceed to enter Mt. If you don't have a Fighting-type Pokemon yet and you have room on your team for one, either Meditite or Machop would make a good choice. Head south a bit, and approach the stairs. As you approach the stairs, a man with blue hair will walk towards you, and will then talk to you about Sinnoh and Mt.
He'll then leave. There really isn't anything much left to do here for the time being, although after you get Surf later on in the game, you'll want to come back and explore the areas blocked off by water. The exit is on the east side of the cave, as expected, and is pretty easy to find.
Coronet, Route , there are some more Trainers for you to fight, and three of their Pokemon should be entirely new sights to see Combee, Mime Jr. You can pick up an X Speed by taking the first bridge north, after fighting the Black Belt. You can also pick up a Poke Ball if you have a Pokemon with Rock Smash on you after crossing the second bridge to the east.
After crossing the bridges, you'll reach some tall grass with some more Trainers in it. You can catch Psyducks and Bibarels, which are the evolution of Bidoofs, here. You can also talk to the Black Belt in the southeast corner of the tall grass to receive the Odd Keystone. There's also a house in the area, by a patch of berries. Inside of the house, you can talk to the Berry Master the old man to receive a random Berry once per day. If you talk to the little girl and answer yes to the question she asks, she'll give you a new Poketch Application, the Berry Searcher.
The Berry Searcher will show you a mini map of Sinnoh and will point out any berry patches with berries in them. The lady in the house will also sell you different kinds of mulch that apparently helps with growing berries. Not quite sure exactly how yet, though. After you're done here, make your way through the building to the east and enter Hearthome City. She'll thank you for stopping it, introduce herself as Keira, one of the Contest Judges, and put the Buneary back in its Poke Ball, inviting you to come to the Contest Hall so she can thank you.
Hearthome City is a pretty large city. It's all about Pokemon Contests, and all of the inhabitants are crazy over them. Some of them have even traveled from Hoenn to participate in the Contests! Inside of the Pokemon Fan Club, which is located directly to the east of the Poke Mart it has a red roof , are some Pokemon fanatics.