Rules to risk lord of the rings edition

Make sure that the 2 Wild Cards are not in the Territory card deck. Sort the Territory cards into Good cards grey shield , Neutral no shield , and Evil black shield. Shuffle each deck separately and keep them face down near the board. Each player takes the set of plastic tokens of their colour. In a 3-player game, one player will control the Free Peoples while the other two will represent Sauron.

Each player will start with a number of battalions. Note: rules on 2-player game may be referred to in the rulebook and are not included here. Smaller figures represent 1 battalion, mounted figures represent 3 and large figures represent 5. Put these figures in front of you. Also, take your 2 leaders shield figures and keep them in front of you. In a 4 player game, deal half the Evil Territory cards to each Sauron player. Likewise, deal half the Good Territory cards to each Free Peoples player.

In a 3 player game, deal Territory cards similarly to the 4 player game, except the Sauron players also get half of the Neutral deck each as well. Each player puts 1 Battalion into each Territory that is listed on their cards. After all players have done this, shuffle all the Territory cards back together including the 2 wild cards. Each player rolls one die, with the highest roll going first.

This player places one battalion in a territory that is vacant. This player now owns this territory. Continue in a circle with each player placing one figure into a vacant territory. This is done until all 64 territories have been filled. It is okay if a player owns one more territory than another at this point.

After all territories have been claimed, the next player places a reinforcement battalion into a territory they already control. Again, this is done in a circle, with each player placing one battalion, until they no longer have any left. After all players have placed all their battalions, you must place one Leader in a territory you control.

Players go around in a circle as usual until all Leaders have been placed. You cannot place two Leaders in the same territory. Leaders will give combat bonuses during the game. Deal 4 Adventure cards to each player. If any say 'Play Immediately', the players return any of these cards and receive new Adventure cards until they have 4 cards that do not say 'Play Immediately'. Afterwards, shuffle these Immediate cards back into the Adventure deck and place the deck facedown near the board.

The war between the Free Peoples of Middle-earth and Mordor are upon you. Decide the fate of the peoples of Middle-earth. The player or team that scores the most points before the One Ring reaches Mount Doom will win. Place 1 battalion into each territory with a stronghold that you control. Strongholds are those symbols in a territory that gold in colour.

Count the total number of territories you control and divide that number by 3 ignoring remainders. Unfortunately, the cards that relate to it are more than what would deem it optional. Remember Me. Please enter your username or email address. You will receive a link to create a new password via email. The One Ring in Mount Doom. Related Items. March 28, Risk: Europe. February 26, March 2, Leave a Reply Cancel Reply You must be logged in to post a comment.

The gameplay of Risk: Lord of the Rings Trilogy edition is similar to the original Risk , but there are additional cards earned by entering "Sites of Power" with a leader piece that give missions for leader pieces to accomplish, provide special bonuses, or cause "special events" to occur.

These are called "Adventure cards", and like the "Territory cards" in standard Risk, they cannot be traded. Strongholds marked with Gold icons on the board , provide a defensive bonus and a reinforcement increase to their owners. At the start of each turn, place one extra army unit in each of your strongholds in addition to your regular reinforcements.

Leaders 3 shield-shaped pieces per team are incredibly essential to the success of any team. Only one leader per territory allowed. The adventure cards can only be earned with a leader. Any player who loses all their leaders are allowed to place a new leader on any of their territories at the end of their next turn. Leader hunting is a very basic but very effective strategy for crippling an opponent in the very first round it is always advisable to start both leaders in a stronghold.

Ports 5 different territories on the Western edge of the map can quickly take you from North to South or vice versa.

Most port are connected to only the nearest other ports. Forodwaith is only connected to 1 other Port whereas Minhiriath is connected to 3 other Ports. This is like going from Brazil to North Africa or Alaska to Kamchatka, and works exactly like moving attacking or fortifying through any other 2 territories. Other than being located in strategically important areas, there is nothing else unique about Ports except when certain adventure cards affect Ports. One key difference is that the game itself is randomly time-limited by the Ring moving along the Fellowship's path at the end of each player's turn, its rate determined by dice rolls.

The game ends when the Ring reaches the end of its path the Mount Doom territory and rolls higher than a 3 to move directly into the Cracks of Doom. The addition of a defined end point to the game is helpful in preventing a long and drawn out game of back-and-forth nonsense; the down-side of the defined end point is that the player who gets the last turn through random chance will likely be the winner by points only.

In a 2- or 3-player game, the winner is almost always determined by points being awarded to each player once the Ring reaches Mount Doom.


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