Sand bag game rules

Each player must throw from behind the front of the box. This is the foul line. The player must not pass the foul line or the player's throw does not count and the bag is removed.

Each team alternates shots beginning with the team that scored the last point. Points are scored when a player has a bag on the board or in the hole.

Only one team can score points per round because points cancel each other out. If the following player throws a sand bag into the 1st Base hole, he gies on and sits in the 1st Base chair. The player at 3rd Base cannot go home and score.

He has to be forced to go Home. When the 3 bases are loaded, if the next player throws into the 1st Base hole, all players advance one chair, but only the player on 3rd Base gets to score. If that player had thrown in the 2nd Base hole, two players would score, and if he had thrown into the 3rd Base hole, three players would have scored.

A home run makes all players on the Bases score including the player who threw the sand bag. Each bag thrown and not entering a hole is considered a strike. If the 1st or 2nd bag enters the FOUL hole, it is also considered a strike. If the 3rd bag enters the FOUL hole, the player is allowed to throw another sand bag until a base hit , or a strike, or an OUT is made.

The score keeper will keep track of the OUTs and strikes, and call them out to the players as they are made. The inning ends when each team scores three OUTs. A flip of the coin will determine which team captain will start throwing. The winner has the choice to start first or let the other team start. If a sand bag is only half entered into the a hole, it does not count. If a following sand bag thrown by the same player pushes it in and enters the same hole or another hole, on the first bag counts.

You must throw the sand bag underhand. A game is complete after nine innings. For the sake of expediency, 6 runs in any one inning by a team is the maximum. When playing doubles, one member of a team stands at one platform, and his partner stands at the other. Everything else about the game rules is the same.

Players take turns tossing four bean bags toward the far platform. For instance, a player from one team tosses his bags, then his opponent standing at the same platform tosses his four bags. This is known as a half-inning in doubles play but a full inning in singles.

Players may toss their bean bags from either side of the platform, but cannot change their sides once they have started tossing. Tossing is timed. A player must toss all four of his bean bags within 20 seconds. Bean bags must not touch anything the ground, for instance before landing on the platform or going through the hole.

Then she put sand inside. You go to the hospital and they open you up. Run your finger lightly along their face, arms, legs and stomach. They put sand inside you. They fill you up with sand. Tap your fingers quickly along their face, arms, legs and stomach. Then they close you up. They sew you up with thread. Now sit up slowly… You feel 50 pounds heavier. You tell the person they died in a horrible way. Then they were taken to the cenetery and buried.

He slit open your arm and filled it with sand. Then he stitched it back shut. He cut open your leg and filled it with sand.


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