Singer 2808c owners manual
Everyone do please stay safe and practice the social distance and work from home if you can. Thanks Gang. Be sure you check out Andy Tube for your discount coupon code - valid until July 31, - link to the left in the menu :.
Japanese Belt Kit Announcement - I hope to offer, perhaps before year end, timing belt kits for the obsolete, discontinued Singer kits for the machines that were made in Japan. Belt kit was discontinued, but I do hope to revive it for models that I know of: U U U U U U, keep an eye out if you are needing one of these kits.
This user manual contains important warranty, safety, and. Join Co-production practitioners network. Sign Up or Sign In. Powered by. Badges Report an Issue Terms of Service. Co-production practitioners network A network for co-production practitioners.
Blogs Forum. Co-production Email Dige. Singer sewing machine c manual treadmill Added by Laurila on October 14, at View Albums. Needleclamp 2. Bobbinwinderpin Threadguides 3. Horizontalspoolpin Reverse pushbutton 4. Threadguide Stitchlengthdial 5. Bobbinwindertensiondisc Patternselector dial 6. Presserfootlifter 7. Take-uplever Threadcutter 8. Faceplate Feedsystem 9.
Visdefixationdel'aiguille Devidoir Guide-fil Porte-bobine horizontal Releveurdupiedpresseur Releveurdefil Coupe fil Plaquede face Page Accessories Accessories The following accessories furnished with your sewing machinearedesignedtosimplifyyoursewingprojectsand increasetheversatilityofyourmachine. Bobbins 3units 2. Spool pinholder large 3. Spool pinholder small Q 4. Couvre-griffes F 5. Page Connectingthemachine Connecting the machine Pushplugintothereceptacle 1 attherightendofthe machine.
Thenconnectplug 2 toyoursocketoutlet. To reduce the riskofelectric shock, this plug is intendedtofitinapolarizedoutletonlyoneway. Ifthe plugdoesnotfitfullyintheoutlet,reversetheplug. Ifit stilldoesnotfit,contactaqualifiedelectriciantoinstall theproperoutlet. To run the machine and control speed, press the foot controlwith your foot.
Theharderyoupress,thefaster themachinewillsew. Tostopmachine,removefootfrom control. Page Stitch Lengthselector Stitch length selector Thisselectoradjustsspacebetweenstitches illustration1.
Thedot markinrelief isthe indicator. Thehigherthenumber,themoreseparate thestitch willbe. Choosing and changing needles 1. Withflatsideofneedletotheback,insertnewneedle upintoclampasfarasitwillgo. L a marque en relief estl'indicateur. Page Removingtheneedleplate Changing screw-on presser feet with shank for some optionalpresserfeet 1.
Loosen presser foot screw 1 andremovepresserfoot withshank 2 ,guidingittowardyouandtotheright. To replace presser foot with shank, hook shank around the presser barandtightenpresserfootscrewwiththe useofacoin. Desserrezlavis 1 etretirezlepiedavecletalon 2 enlafaisantpivoterversladroite. Page Changingsnap-Onpresserf Oot Changing snap-on presser foot 1.
Raise needle to its highest position by turning hand wheeltowardyou. Raise presser footusingpresserfootlifteratbackof machine. Push toe of presser foot 1 up,untilitsnapsoffthe shank 2. Lower presser foot lifter, fitting shank over presser footpin 3.
Baissezlereleveurdupiedpresseurpourengagerla tigedanslatraversedelasemelle 3. Page Windingabobbin Winding a bobbin Windinga bobbin isquickandeasywhenyoufollowthe directionsbelow. Alwayswindthebobbinbeforethreading themachineandneedle. Pushinindent 1 onhandwheeldisc.
Thiswillstopthe needlefrommoving. Slide spool pinholder 2 firmlyoverrimofspoolto preventthreadfromtangling. Leadthreadfromspoolandsnapintothreadguidepost 3.
Windthreadclockwisearoundfrontofbobbinwinder tensiondisc 4. Pass threadend,frominside,throughsmallholeinrim ofbobbin. Place bobbinonbobbinwinderpinandpushittothe right. Holding thread end, step on speed controller to run machine until desired amount of thread is wound. Tirezlefiletenclenchez-ledansleguide-fil 3. Note: Whileunwinding,thebobbinshouldturnfromright toleft.
Holding bobbin in place, guide thread into notch illustration2 andthendowntheslottotheleftand guide around i n t o n o t c h illustration 3. Page Threadingthe Machine Threading the machine 1. Raise take-uplevertohighest position by turninghandwheeltowardyou.
Raise presser foot to release thread tension.