American game dogs times
However my dog must obey me. Just like I would expect my children too until they turn 18 and live in their own households. Even then, I would expect respect. I don't think the dog should have run of the house, but the dog is part of the family. My dog is a pet, not a family member. I am its owner, not it's Mom. I could re-home my dog, or even put it down. I could not do either to a family member.
I agree that I could put my dog down if the need came, I could not do that with a family member. I would not rehome my dog. To me, he is my baby, but we can agree to disagree. As long as we both treat our dogs well and train them well. Drugs is the most profitable illegal business,next is the sex trade. The problem with dogfighting is that they have always been associated with illegal activities in one shape or another.
The breeders have sold dogs to guys that deal drugs because they would pay a lot of money for the dogs. Guys would lose money and didn't want to pay up then someone pulls a knife or a gun. It has happened many times over the years. One crime leads to another.
That causes a snowball effect with law enforcement opens the door for law enforcement to get to drug dealers. The dogfighters write books and make videos. They leave a trail for law enforcement to follow and when they get caught hanging out with drug dealers, cry about why u messing with me. This breeder was working class. That was a huge amount of money back in the 70's. Where do u think it came from,from illegal activities. The guys that bred game dogs and tested them hard and stayed to themselves was a different story.
They loved their dogs but they are few and far between. When law enforcement doesn't find drugs , well the dogs get put down. So who pays the dogs. This shit why u investigating dog fighters is because it gives them a door to other activities. Making anything illegal like drugs or dog fighting, make it more likely for deep elements of crime to come into the picture.
For example, look what happened when alcohol became illegal, it brought in a whole new criminal element with the gangsters like Capone. Same thing with making drugs and dog fighting illegal, it brought in some of drags of society that may have not been in it as much as before. Making something illegal like that just makes it worse, and brings a bunch more problems than it might have had before, because the people who might have been involved while it was legal, aren't willing to risk their freedom and are followers of the law.
Dogmen take better care of their dogs than the typical dog owner. Have you ever seen a dog struggle just to stand up because of it's own body mass and the arthritis and DJD that comes along with it in a dogman's yard? Hell no! People say dogfighting is the cruelest thing you can do to a dog.
I disagree! Breeding a dog to be so small they couldn't fend for themselves without human aid is cruel. Subjecting a dog to overeating and becoming fat, thus creating pain and suffering, is cruel. There are punks that will FORCE a dog to fight, but true dogmen will not ever force a dog to fight against it's will. Do I fight my dog? But I do not deny nor regret where my dog came from and what makes her the dog she is. Dogmen First it is cruel to pit one animal against another and bet money on it.
Its not about the dogs. When people start gambling ,it brings out the worst element when people lose. The dogs have no choice when placed in a pit to fight when another animal is attacking them and trying to kill them.
If you are placed in a position to fight for your life when someone else is attacking you ,you will fight with every once of blood u have. Its call survival. What u call a responsible dogman that wouldn't fight a dog that didn't want to fight is pure BS. Many have done it in the past. Articles have been written over time how a dog wouldn't start but a dog forced them too. Dogmen have in the past rubbed their dogs with poison to kill the other dog.
If u say thats not true then why do they wash their dogs before the fight? CH Willie was, as said by some, to have the destructive ability as his sire, by killing each his opponents in times of , , and minutes.
Many said that Moe went to the well one too many times in his loss to CH Charlie. After his victories over CH Fargo and his brother Basket, too much was taken out of him to go into a much younger dog like Charlie. The breeding that produced Zebo and his littermates was one of those outstanding litters that only come once in a great while.
But where did this one black dog come from??? Many speculate Zebo wasn't bred as represented. For one Mr. Hughes purchased Zebo from Lonzo without any papers. Some claim that Mr. Hughes sold many different Zebos. A lot claim Zebo to be half brother to another famous pair, Eli jr. Although, Lonzo's Andy was a black dog himself and Zebo threw nothing but black dogs, even when bred to various females of different colors, it still remains a question in a lot of people's minds.
Sport was one of the best dogs in his day. He was bred by A. Betts and in his early days was called the champion forty seven pound dog of the Pacific Coast. Later in life Sport was owned by the McClintock brothers, also by F. The soldier's stopped the fight and the actual time is not known. Sand's Spot a 55 pounder in 1. Stormer was probably one of the best English match dogs ever fought. Stormer was an English Bull terrier and Staffordshire bull terrier battle cross.
Stormer's record is impressive. The only criticism that people make, is that he didn't produce anything. Not surprising for a hybrid! Stormer is particularly famous for beating Ricky B's infamous champion Psycho a great producer. First bona fide match, was against "jingles" Stormer at 46lb, going 7lb up hill, wins in 58 mins. Rematch "jingles" dies in 17 mins; then fights "spock" weight wins in 2hrs 26mins. Match report of a classic match. Stormer versus psycho Ricky B's Champion Psycho.
Although he was picked up against Stormer, psycho got his reputation as being and excellent producer. This means being able to produce dogs that also wind matches. Click here for this free match report. Dock's Gr. Ch Duke was the result of a mother and son mating, both parents being owned by Dock. Out of a litter of four, two pregnant doges were sold up north and Duke and Duchess were kept by Dock. Both pups showed great promise, but with age Duke started to become very dominant and so they were separated, leaving Duke to run the yard and Duchess in the kennel with the rest.
Duke showed great temperament and if kenneled he was a quiet dog. In the house he was no trouble and were great with children, he could however be an expensive dog when he was on the loose as he was hell on four legs and as they say didn't take no prisoners. Duke won five matches all in devastating fashion as was a registered Grand Champion the Sporting dog journal.
The Red Boy dogs gained their fame in the Carolina's, but their main introduction into the fast lane came with the cross of Ch. Jocko a Carolina dog himself was a pit intelligent dog with good biting ability, something the Red Boy dogs did not have. Yellow John went on to produce one of the most honest bulldogs of modern time Tant's Gr.
Yellow was a 6x winner who in turn produced superior offspring. He ranks only second to Ch. Yellow died only recently on Sept. Yellow had an exceptionally talented sister known as S.
She to had good producing ability, but of course was limited by the fact that she was a female. One other point of mention, is Super Gnat's Boots. For years Chavis campaigned with those tightly inbred Redboy dogs. Most of which came out of Yellow John. They say Hank was a great performer and he was definitely a great producer. You can't compare the two. Read some of the old matches how a dog got its shoulder,leg broken, or its chest had holes in it that looked like it was shot with a shotgun.
Some of the match reports stated when he got into the belly the other dog cried out because he knew he was dying. Then they say the dog crawled across on its belly to scratch get to the other dog.
A lot of dogs die after the match,some during,and the ones that quit are killed. Thats very good odds. People like to say that its not cruel to match dogs as long as u do it with honor like the oldtimers did. Well they would leave a game dog down to be killed if they thought the other dog would quit,even when they saw it was outmatched.
They shipped dogs all over the country and out of the country without knowing the people buying the dogs,or how they would treat the dogs. They matched puppies and rolled puppies. They would hang papers on a dog,switch papers,breed man biters,and breed curs because they liked the blood behind the dog.
Now thats honor. People want to justify what they do by saying if it wasn't illegal it wouldn't have brought the crime element into it. There has always been illegal activities involved with the dogs. When u have people betting thousands on a dog in a match,some will do anything to win. Give the dogs steroids,drugs,and dope their fur. When some lose they don't want to pay up then u have a real problem.
A gun or knife gets pulled to get their money. You can justify anything in your own mind. But the people that say nothing is wrong with fighting dogs,point out they don't do it. Not all losers got a bullet, because often the loser was the dog that was proven more game. Second, there have been plenty of stories of humans dying while boxing, and playing other sports.
Finally, in the Cajun rules, the dog did have a choice, and there are quite a few stories where it says the dog decided to stop. They gave the dog a courtesy scratch, and the dog didn't take it, and the fight was over, so, I'd say that was the dog's choice, and the dog stopped. As for culling dogs that were curs, that happens with all breeds. From what I've read of the old stories, most dogs didn't die fighting in the pit, because as the old saying goes, "You can't breed a dead dog.
However, more scum entered once it was made a felony. And let's not kid ourself, the reason it was made illegal is because the govt. However, still read some indictments on people caught fighting now, and you will see it has more to do with the money exchanging hands than the fact that the dogs were being fought. Is it a brutal sport that most people, including myself, couldn't stomach? Of course, no one is denying that, but to me, animals fight.
Just watch a nature show. I find it harder to watch two humans hurt each other compared to two animals is all. I don't believe anyone is trying to say any dog fighting is rainbows and butterflies. First the dog doesn't have a choice when something is attacking it.
Fighters died in the ring,sure and they chose to fight. No human ever took the abuse that dogs have taken in a fight. As far as you can't breed a dead dog. Many of dogfighters have left a game dog down to long. The dogs take a bad beating and don't make it afterwards. Dead is dead. To say the dogs can stop when ever they want is bull.
A handler sees that his dog has turned lets the match go on because its not in his interest to handle his dog yet. Matching dogs is about money. Calling it a sport is trying to sugar coat it or make it legit. Its barbaric. Nature show,animals don't fight each other while other animals bet on them. Animals fight in the wild for food and survival. There was many top game dogs that was matched after they proved their gameness that shouldn't have been matched and was lost for good.
I guess thats honor by great dogmen. What about the top dogmen thatstole others dogs? Honor I guess. This is a hot topic that no one is ever going to agree on. I will just agree to disagree with you. Not everyone in it was "honorable" just like not everyone in any sport is "honorable". Not everyone was in it for the right reasons, and yes, some people did leave their dog out too long, again, no one is saying it was "perfect".
Nothing in life is perfect, but while it wasn't all honor and glory, it wasn't all "evil" and "bad guys", either. Its not a sport. People want to talk about the great oldtimers and how they did things right. What oldtimers are they talking about? Most are dead and alot of people never met them. You can find good in some of the worse things in life.