Buena vista social club cosenza

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De Camino a la Vereda. Ibrahim Ferrer. El Cuarto de Tula. Sergio Siaba. Pueblo Nuevo. Dos Gardenias. Isolina Carrillo. Eusebio Delfin. Maria Teresa Vera. El Carretero. Guillermo Portabales. Nick Gold, whose World Circuit label released the record, put it:. Suddenly, Buena Vista was not so much a record as a brand, albeit one based on musical quality rather than marketing hype.

Yet few could have predicted this iconic success when the veteran musicians who recorded Buena Vista assembled in the vintage Egrem studio in Havana in Indeed, the group that came together was in essence an accident: the original intention had been to make an experimental hybrid record bringing together African and Cuban musicians, but the African musicians failed to turn up because of visa problems.

In fact the original idea had been to record not one but two albums. Not that it took much coaxing: despite his years of inactivity, his playing was on fire and so eager was he to get to the piano that every morning when the janitor turned up to unlock the studio doors, he was already waiting outside.

The singer Ibrahim Ferrer, who was scraping a living shining shoes and selling lottery tickets, was also rescued from obscurity — and proceeded to sing his heart out. Eliades Ochoa the great guitarist and singer provided the rural roots from Santiago. Yet this stellar line-up of singers was only part of the story. When they had finished recording, Ry Cooder knew that he had been privileged to be part of a unique musical experience.

I felt that I had trained all my life for this experience and it was a blessed thing. In Cuba, Ry noted, he had found the kind of deeply rooted musical context that he had been searching for all his life. The organisation of the musical group is perfectly understood. There is no ego, no jockeying for position so they have evolved the perfect ensemble concept. But the timeless, magical music that created the Buena Vista legend lives on.

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The sole purpose of the storage is to send you the newsletters and to be able to prove your registration. Eliades Ochoa Self as Self. Gilberto 'Papi' Oviedo Self as Self. Wim Wenders. More like this. Watch options. Storyline Edit. A group of legendary Cuban musicians, some as old as their nineties, were brought together by Ry Cooder to record a CD.

In this film, we see and hear some of the songs being recorded in Havana. In addition, many of the individual musicians talk about their lives in Cuba and about how they got started in music.

Add content advisory. Did you know Edit. Trivia The Buena Vista Social Club album was put together by guitarist Ry Cooder in as a means of recapturing the "lost" music of pre-revolutionary Havana.

The story was later made into this movie. Connections Edited into Days, also Known as a Year User reviews 86 Review. Top review. This could have been a brilliant documentary.

And why wasn't it? The editing, the shaky hand held cameras which made it difficult to read the subtitles, the musical numbers cut off before completion, the insertion of Ry Cooder and or his son into practically every frame, the story management - why did it not show the preparation and rehearsals leading up to the climax of Carnegie Hall.

The touristy reactions in New York were too kitchsy for words and took the dignity of these brilliant musicians away. I wanted more of these musicians' stories and my favourite sequence was of the pianist playing in Havana and all these tiny little ballerinas dancing around him, caught up in the magic. More of the history of the Buena Vista Social Club would have been wonderful also - this was sad in its omission. These incredible musicians were not served well here.


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