Ektron template configuration

It has no effect on other types of menu items such as images. When you assign a folder or template to a menu, it exposes a menu whenever a content item that resides in a selected folder appears, or a content item that uses 1 or more of the selected templates appears. As a result, a user looking for a specific item sees similar items. For example, if your website sold books, your folders or templates may be organized by genre.

One of your folders or templates is Teen Fiction. You create a submenu that contains the top 5 sellers in Teen Fiction. You then associate the Teen Fiction folder or template with that submenu. All of the following conditions must be true for the Flex Menu to automatically display selected items on an associated submenu. NOTE: Navigation to the content can consist of clicking a quicklink, a menu option, a content list, the result of a search, and so on.

NOTE: Deleting a menu automatically deletes all menu items associated with it. Do not confuse the menu link with the item itself. For example, deleting a menu deletes its links to content but has no effect on the content. NOTE: Only certain users are allowed to delete menus. See Auditing changes. You can assign addition information to the menu item by editing the menu from the View Menu screen. However, you can insert library assets from other folders for which you have permission.

So, when you save the menu item, it is not added to the Ektron database nor can it be retrieved for future use. To edit a menu item, click on its name in the View Menu screen. The Edit Menu Item screen appears. Alternatively, hover the cursor over the menu in the left panel, right click the mouse, and click Reorder Items.

NOTE: For information about supporting multiple languages on your website, see Working with multi-language content. You can create an edition of any menu in every supported language. When a site visitor selects a language and clicks a menu link, Ektron displays the menu in that language if it is available. If it is not available, nothing appears. Before creating or translating a menu, you should create or translate all content that will be on the menu.

In this way, you can link this content to the new menu. However, after creating a menu, you can add new items to it. To translate a menu into any supported language, you can go to the menu on your website or from go to it in the Workarea. If you are already using the Flex Menu and Menu server controls, you can continue to do so, but Ektron recommends using current versions of functionality.

Managing menus is a two-step process. The previous section describes the first step, which is how Ektron users create and update menus. The second step involves a developer placing a menu server control on a Web form. The server control manages the display of the menu on your website. This section introduces concepts that affect all of them, and explains the differences between them. A server control can be dragged and dropped onto a Web form and then modified.

Adding a menu to a content folder Adding a menu to a content folder Go to a content folder. The current language appears as a flag next to the screen title. To create the menu in this language, proceed to the next step. The Add Menu screen appears. Fields Title. The name of the new menu that appears on the Web page.

Image Link. You can have an image appear next to or instead of the menu title. Enter the path to the new template and click the Save button. Note: This screen has additional fields when mobile device detection is on and mobile configurations exist. For more information, see Updating a Mobile Template. To delete a template, click Delete next to the template. If you choose a template that is assigned as a default, a screen tells you why you cannot delete it and lists the folders for which it is the default.

Use the update command to change all references from an old to a new template. For example, your old template is named MyTemplate. You can want to replace all references to it to Updatetemplate. Click Update next to the template. See Defining roles. Automatic aliasing standardizes alias naming. See Creating automatic URL alias rules for information about automatic aliasing. You must have wireframes already created in a folder. See Assigning the PageBuilder wireframe to a folder. The Add New Page screen appears.

Because only one template is assigned to the folder, it appears as the default. After the page is created, a new page opens where you can design the page and other actions, such as check in, view properties, and drop widget A mini-application that you place on a Web page using PageBuilder; a widget provides either specific functionality calculators, search, social bars, and so on or areas into which you can add content content blocks, list summaries, collections, and so on.

PageBuilder actions are available when you click Design. See also: Editor toolbar options. Many developers disable this option because it gives end users liberty to resize columns when you may want to standardize your layout. If your developer has disabled this option, go to Step 2. You can customize the Resize form so that you can choose Pixel, Em, Percent, Bootstrap, Foundation, or other frameworks for creating columns. See Customizing the PageBuilder.

You can modify the look of a page by adding columns that can contain dropzone An area on a Web page where you can drag and drop a widget. Each column that you add responds according to the design rules that are applied to your site.

For Ektron releases prior to Version 8. With Version 8. Responsive Web Design RWD Responsive Web Design moves and resizes content objects provides to provide an optimal viewing experience on any viewing device. The highlighted section displays 3 columns within 1 PageBuilder dropzone. Each column displays a different widget. When this page is resized, styles rearrange the columns so that they fit without horizontal scrolling.

If you want to add another column and more widgets to a row, apply styles to the column according to the website's CSS framework. To continue the example, the row now has 4 columns. Apply to each column a value of Span3, so the combined width totals span12 , the maximum width of a Bootstrap page. Now, 4 columns each containing widgets fit into this section of the page. If the browser is resized, each column is sized according to the Bootstrap styles.

You can use a variety of RWD Responsive Web Design moves and resizes content objects provides to provide an optimal viewing experience on any viewing device. If you use a different RWD Responsive Web Design moves and resizes content objects provides to provide an optimal viewing experience on any viewing device.

Any element on the page can take as many columns as it needs, but all elements in a row must not exceed the maximum number of columns. Twitter Bootstrap and Foundation have a grid system of 12 columns per row; Skeleton has 16 columns per row. For example, the following patterns represent how many columns each element uses in a row.

No pattern exceeds 12 unless you use Skeleton's 16 columns ; periods indicate offset columns spaces. An offset pushes a column to the right.

See the following examples. When you add a column to a PageBuilder page and click Resize , then chooses the Type: Bootstrap , the following Resize form appears. The following result occurs from choosing Type: Bootstrap , Width: 5 Columns , Offset: 2 Columns which leaves 5 columns to the right. The following result occurs from adding a column to the previous example, and choosing Type: Bootstrap , Width: 4 Columns , Offset: 1 Column for the new column.

Note that if you shrink the window from right to left, the second column gets moved under the first, as follows:. This problem can affect PageBuilder pages, because each widget may include one or more style sheets, and a page can host any number of widgets. You first create a wireframe The architecture of a Web page containing columns, dropzones, and layout information. Next, define the dropzone An area on a Web page where you can drag and drop a widget. The relationship between a wireframe, a dropzone, and a widget A mini-application that you place on a Web page using PageBuilder; a widget provides either specific functionality calculators, search, social bars, and so on or areas into which you can add content content blocks, list summaries, collections, and so on.

This control lets a content author drop widgets on the page. The content author uses a Dropzone control as a placeholder, into which you insert widgets. You also can use it to insert additional placeholders as needed. Best Practice. You do not need to use the jsAlert system defined here. But if you do not, you must add overrides to handle errors and notifications. A Master Layout is a special type of PageBuilder template that may include a special kind of dropzone An area on a Web page where you can drag and drop a widget.

All other dropzones on a Master Layout template are called Layout Zones. Anyone can edit them. An example use of this template is: a department head reserves one Master Zone on the department pages for content that only the department head may edit. Content authors may drag and drop a widget A mini-application that you place on a Web page using PageBuilder; a widget provides either specific functionality calculators, search, social bars, and so on or areas into which you can add content content blocks, list summaries, collections, and so on.

The following diagram shows a Master Layout template that contains 2 dropzones and 4 widgets. In the following example, the Master Zone contains a Flckr widget. When a Master Layout is published, you can use it like any other template. The following figure shows a sample page that uses a Master Layout. After you created a wireframe The architecture of a Web page containing columns, dropzones, and layout information.

After the wizard finishes, you see a new Master Layout page with dropzone An area on a Web page where you can drag and drop a widget. You must unlock a dropzone to convert it to a Master Zone. The following figure shows a Master Layout with dropzones. Click OK to unlock this dropzone. Before creating a PageBuilder page based on the Master Layout, you must add it to the templates available to the Pages folder. To do this:. After you create the Master Layout page and assign it to the Pages folder, you can use it for other PageBuilder pages.

Locking this dropzone deletes columns and widgets in the master zone, and affects all templates based on this Master Layout. An Ektron administrator uses the wireframe that a developer made, and determines which widgets will be available to the wireframe. An asset can be managed like native Ektron content. You can assign a default page to a wireframe. If you do, and a site visitor enters a URL with a path to that wireframe that lacks a query string ID, the default page appears.


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