Elementary algebra textbook pdf

The book does not have as many culturally inclusive examples as other traditional textbooks. However, I could understand that the level of mathematical concepts are mostly algebraic and perhaps requires a little more work to write examples that include cultural relevance.

It certainly would be beneficial to incorporate more culturally diverse examples for our diverse student population. Overall, it is a well written book and I really like the formats and the flow of the book. I'm hoping to adopt this book for my algebra courses so viewing it from this perspective, I would have to figure out how to make the interface of the book much more friendly and usable to the students.

I am happy to see that the quality of this book is quite good and I hope to find useful online tutorial and homework systems that can be incorporated to make this book a more complete one to use in an online format. The book covers a wide variety of topics, in detail that I cover in my current Algebra Prep 1, Algebra Prep 2 and Algebra Prep 3 course. Each course is 8 weeks long so could use the text to use over the entire semester and half that is needed. A very good comprehensive book to help prepare students in all aspects who need to brush up on their skills before attempting College Algebra.

Although there were some areas where topics delved a little more deeply than students may be ready for; however, an instructor could easily pick and choose what they feel their students need. The book appears accurate throughout the chapters. The book uses color to determine step by step guidance which is extremely important to help my students follow along more easily while working on their own.

They also appeared relevant in today's society with topics students may have an interest in. All terminology was used appropriately and accurately among the book. The one area that seemed a little stand-offish is the step by step guides, I feel it's important for students in an Algebra Prep course to understand why we are doing what we are doing, not just a simple memorization of steps.

If a student can understand the why they are more apt to retaining vs. Each section started off with the section title, then the "Learning Objectives. The Learning Objectives are followed by step by step instructions with examples and "Try this! At the end of every section there is a Key Takeaway portion which leads into multiple topic exercises and solutions. Each unit and subsection of each unit is broken down in such a way that as a teacher teaching 3 different 8 week courses, I could pick and choose what I need to cover for each course to meet the objectives easily.

There were some instances where I personally would rearrange some topics simply based on what I know about my students and their needs, but overall the structure is fairly logical. Maybe it's just the online PDF version, but I'm struggling with the fraction section as many of the problems in the homework sets and within the lesson portion the fractions don't have fraction bars.

For example the problem asked to reduce , but there was no fraction bar to indicate what was what fraction. The only indication that you are working with fractions is the numbers appear in smaller text than the other numbers not represented in fractional form.

When we hit the radical section, it appears the radical symbol comes after the number so it is unclear to a student what they may have to do or it's stated as "square root 36" this is also would be confusing to my students especially. Although the book did use a variety of occupations, social standing, and students.

There was a lot of "a man," "a woman," "a student. The text covers all areas of Elementary Algebra appropriately and covers some areas of Intermediate Algebra. There is so much material in this text that it could not possibly be covered in one semester. Of course since this text is open source, an For example, exponents, square root and the Pythagorean Theorem all occur in Chapter 1. Rational expressions and radicals appear in Chapters 7 and 8.

Solving quadratic equations, graphing parabolas and completing the square occur in the last chapter.

There is no index or glossary that I could see. Therefore I had to page through the whole text to see where everything was located. All areas of Elementary Algebra that are normally covered did occur somewhere in the text but a person would need to search for it. The part of the text that I liked the most was the excellent problem bank.

There is a wide variety of problems, both rote problems and many application problems. I certainly would use this textbook as a resource for problem bank alone if nothing else. The book seems accurate in all the material that is presented. The concepts are presented step-by-step in an easy to follow flow. Common mistakes were also shown side by side the correct mathematical steps. There was one case that parenthesis was used where it would have been more appropriate to use the multiplication sign.

Other than that, the text seemed pretty error-free and unbiased. The material seemed up- to- date as far as the application problems. The application problems would be easy to update when needed. The text was easy to follow as far as understanding. However, I think that some concepts, like square roots and the use of exponents in the first chapter were out of the correct order that they should be.

There were many references to use of technology and instructions of how to use that technology. The main problem that I saw was the order in which some of the concepts were introduced and used. The text was very consistent in it's framework. Each section start. The material contained a variety of examples explained in great detail. At the end of each section came the Key Takeaways, followed by the Topic Exercises. The problem bank for most sections was huge with some excellent application problems.

The answers for the problem bank then followed. Each chapter contained a Review along with a Review Problem Bank. Lastly came a Sample Exam along with the solutions to the Sample Exam. The text could easily by divided and reorganized and I would certainly suggest doing so.

I also would suggest dropping some concepts that fit better into an Intermediate Algebra text. There is no way that an instructor could cover all this material in one semester. This seems to be a bit of a problem as exponents and square roots normally do not come in the first chapter of an Elementary Algebra textbook to the extent that they were used here.

Basic exponent usage and simple square roots are more common in the first chapter. However, an instructor certainly could again pick and choose what they want to use. Otherwise, the logic of other topics seemed to follow the order of other Elementary textbooks.

There is a major problem here with type size in the problem bank. Some problems were easy to read and some problems were in so small a type size that they were hard to make out. This certainly needs to be fixed as students would not understand at all what the problem was. Also the radical sign came after the number, so it would be , square root symbol.

Now, this may not show up on everyone's computer like this, but if it was this way on my computer, it would be on someone else's also.

The application problems seemed to be culturally relative and diverse. A variety of names, occupations and locations made the problems seem relevant to a variety of cultures. I would say that the best part of this text was the use of Learning Objectives, Key Takeaways and the large problem bank. I think the variety of problems in the problem bank were great. The Application problems in particular were well done. Presently March the book has neither table of contents nor index. I had to build my own table of contents by hand before I could settle down to review this book.

This, of course, makes a score of 5 impossible. Actually, the book is Actually, the book is riddled with so many typesetting errors it is unusable by students in its present form. Hopefully this can be remedied soon, because the book has the potential to serve as an excellent reference text.

All of the usual sections are here: real numbers, solving linear equations and inequalities, factoring polynomials, radicals and rational exponents, quadratic equations and graphs. The treatment is thorough and precise, with plenty of warnings about common mistakes, and large exercise sets with answers to the odds provided. My only concern aside from the many typesetting errors is with graphing. Although straight lines and parabolas are covered thoroughly, I see hardly any examples of other kinds of graphs.

Instructors who like to showcase a broader array of patterns such as exponential growth early in a student's graphing experience will need to supplement. Mathematical ideas are everywhere most carefully stated, with only one exception that I found. On page 4 it reads: "When studying mathematics, we focus on special sets of numbers. The set of natural or counting numbers is combined with zero. It goes on to define the whole numbers as the natural numbers combined with zero, which of course is the intent of the paragraph, but due to some typographical error or whatever it doesn't quite begin right.

Ideas are stated precisely, as in any other mainstream math text. This could make it an excellent, authoritative reference. For most beginning students, however, precision and lucidity are two different things. Consider, for example, this Key Takeaway for section 6. Then again, most examples and so on are quite clear about "do this, then do this, but don't do this.

Excellent overall, in the presentation of facts. No complaints there. Just to pick section 9. Also: one of the stated objectives is to find the vertex by completing the square, but this specific objective is not measured in the review questions or the sample test. Students are asked to find the vertex, certainly, but are not asked to complete the square.

This book is as "modular" as any other math text I've seen, in the sense that one could skip certain sections towards the ends of the chapters if one felt crunched for time, or even come back to cover them at a later time. But if modularity is considered a strength, I see no reason why this book should score more points than any other. One non-modular aspect: students will see examples involving functions at the ends of many sections.

The instructor could choose to ignore them, of course, but would not have a way to hide them from students' view. I already mentioned it's missing its table of contents. Other structural problems: section 4. Chapter 10 is not really a chapter but a short appendix with some area and volume formulas. Chapter 7 is missing its title. Many sections if not most begin at the bottom of a page.

The typesetting issues are so numerous that the text is actually unusable in its present form for students, anyway. Fraction bars are missing, exponents are not superscripted, sometimes the radical symbol follows instead of preceding its contents, etc.

Obviously, these errors are "minor" in the sense that it shouldn't take too many days for someone to clean them up. Hopefully this is in progress even as I write this review. But my next question would be: where are the embedded video examples promised in the preface?

Are these also under construction? It is impossible to assign a high score when I haven't had the chance to see all that is promised.

Looking at the print version, I do like the ordering of topics well enough. None of the chapters have any motivating introductions, though; adding some would be a nice touch. The only viewing option I have in March is to download the.

I tried reading it on screen, but ended up printing it out 4 pages per sheet, double-sided, some trees were spared to write this review. As mentioned above, I have not been able to view any embedded videos, as promised in the book's preface. If this were meant to be a print reference, then I might be able to give a high score once the many typesetting issues are resolved; if it is meant to be more than that, then I haven't had a chance to see what it will be.

I went back and reread the preface. It says this book makes no assumption of prior algebra experience, though it certainly assumes a high proficiency in reading. I also saw, in the section on negative exponents, that it assumes a certain familiarity with the dimensional analysis method of converting units. It also says this is "by far the best elementary algebra textbook offered under the creative commons license.

With that done, however, I do expect this text could serve as an excellent reference… but then there is the question of whether it will have any embedded videos, and how good those will be. It claims modularity, but I'm not seeing how this book is any more or less modular than any other math text. I do remember the author saying that learning to factor polynomials takes a lot of practice and patience, but I don't recall any specific exhortations to write out steps by hand.

Obviously this is a work in progress, and I have not seen the final product. Perhaps the author is fishing for some early feedback. Well, I'd say it's a great start, but later reviews will have to trump mine. The textbook covers all of the chosen topics very thoroughly. This book writes math problems using the traditional notation as well as textual notation, so it can be emailed and communicated electronically without a special keyboard or software.

This was the first time I have seen this. This is just one example of how I feel the textbook is current but yet has staying power. I can see it being reused for quite a while. I felt it was a bit wordy but since it was clear I could deal with that. I also think a few more pictures would enhance the experience. This textbook presents topics in the same order as all other books I have used. This is the organization I would use.

I like the Key Takeaways and Tips charts the author used. I will probably adopt this book for my Fall class. I will add comments or re-review this textbook after that.

It is essential to lay a solid foundation in mathematics if a student is to be competitive in today's global market. The importance of algebra, in particular, cannot be overstated, as it is the basis of all mathematical modeling used in applications found in all disciplines. Traditionally, the study of algebra is separated into a two parts, elementary algebra and intermediate algebra.

This textbook, Elementary Algebra, is the first part, written in a clear and concise manner, making no assumption of prior algebra experience. It carefully guides students from the basics to the more advanced techniques required to be successful in the next course.

This text is, by far, the best elementary algebra textbook offered under a Creative Commons license. It is written in such a way as to maintain maximum flexibility and usability. A modular format was carefully integrated into the design. For example, certain topics, like functions, can be covered or omitted without compromising the overall flow of the text.

An introduction of square roots in Chapter 1 is another example that allows for instructors wishing to include the quadratic formula early to do so. Topics such as these are carefully included to enhance the flexibility throughout.

This textbook will effectively enable traditional or nontraditional approaches to elementary algebra. This, in addition to robust and diverse exercise sets, provides the base for an excellent individualized textbook instructors can use free of needless edition changes and excessive costs!

A few other differences are highlighted below:. This text employs an early-and-often approach to real-world applications, laying the foundation for students to translate problems described in words into mathematical equations. It also clearly lays out the steps required to build the skills needed to solve these equations and interpret the results.

With robust and diverse exercise sets, students have the opportunity to solve plenty of practice problems. In addition to embedded video examples and other online learning resources, the importance of practice with pencil and paper is stressed. This text respects the traditional approaches to algebra pedagogy while enhancing it with the technology available today.

In addition, textual notation is introduced as a means to communicate solutions electronically throughout the text. While it is important to obtain the skills to solve problems correctly, it is just as important to communicate those solutions with others effectively in the modern era of instant communications. He is now a professor of mathematics at the College of the Sequoias, located in Visalia, California.

With over a decade of experience working with students to develop their algebra skills, he knows just where they struggle and how to present complex techniques in more understandable ways. His student-friendly and commonsense approach carries over to his writing of Elementary Algebra and various other open-source learning resources.

Content Accuracy rating: 3 The accuracy depends on the version you use. Clarity rating: 4 The book is clear and easy to understand. Consistency rating: 4 For the most part the consistency of the book is good. Modularity rating: 4 I love how the book is broken down into short sections.

Interface rating: 4 I did not have any problems with navigating through the textbook. Cultural Relevance rating: 4 I did not see any issues with the cultural relevance of the book. Comments I feel if the PDF version did not have the grammatical errors it would be a good text for any Elementary Algebra student.

Content Accuracy rating: 4 Good accuracy is seen in the online version of the book. Clarity rating: 3 For online users the clarity is good. Consistency rating: 5 I like the consistency of this book. Modularity rating: 3 For online access of the book: Modularity is a strong point of this book.

Interface rating: 3 There are lots of inconsistencies seen on the PDF version of the book. Grammatical Errors rating: 5 No grammatical error seen. Cultural Relevance rating: 3 For a diverse classroom some of cultural related questions can help students get a better understanding.

The text expands on the fundamental concepts of algebra while addressing the needs of students with diverse backgrounds and learning styles. Each topic builds upon previously developed material to demonstrate the cohesiveness and structure of mathematics. Lynn Marecek has focused her career on meeting the needs of developmental math students.

MaryAnne has served as department chair, acting dean, chair of the professional development committee, institutional researcher, and faculty coordinator on several state and federallyfunded grants. Content Accuracy rating: 5 I could not find any errors. Clarity rating: 4 Definitions are clear, and lots of examples are provided. Consistency rating: 5 The layout is consistent with each chapter organized in similar fashion. Modularity rating: 5 The up-front learning objectives and consistency in design make it possible to pull out components for, say, a co-requisite course to a college level course.

Interface rating: 5 There aren't any significant issues, but it may be helpful to block off each new section with some color or a picture, so that it breaks things up a bit and gives the viewer a visual rest. Grammatical Errors rating: 5 The text is well-written and free of grammatical errors. Comments I like this book very much - well written and thoughtfully organized.

Content Accuracy rating: 5 That which I reviewed was error-free. Clarity rating: 4 The text is understandable and clear. Consistency rating: 5 Text appears to be consistent. Modularity rating: 5 Could easily be reorganized.

Grammatical Errors rating: 4 I did not come across any grammatical errors. Cultural Relevance rating: 4 I did not find this text to be culturally insensitive. Comments Section 1. It flows Interface rating: 3 This is my biggest area of concern. This gives the impression of a indigestible whole rather than easily digested chunks Grammatical Errors rating: 5 No grammatical errors noted Cultural Relevance rating: 5 This book sometimes uses ethnic names in word problems to be more inclusive Comments Index is rudimentary.

Clarity rating: 5 Lots of exercises with answers at the back or in context give the text clarity Consistency rating: 5 Each chapter seems to be organized identically to other chapters. One exception was the self-check that I did not see at the end of all chapter Modularity rating: 4 All the chapters are divided into sections and all the subsections have learning objectives. Much was accomplished by hyperlinks in this text but more could be accomplished Grammatical Errors rating: 5 I saw no errors in grammar or spelling Cultural Relevance rating: 4 This is tricky.

Comments Generally impressive. This could almost be used to self teach a motivated student. Table of Contents 1. Foundations 2.

Solving Linear Equations and Inequalities 3. Math Models 4. Graphs 5. Systems of Linear Equations 6. Polynomials 7. Simplify and Use Square Roots. Simplify Square Roots. Add and Subtract Square Roots. Multiply Square Roots. Divide Square Roots. Solve Equations with Square Roots. Higher Roots. Rational Exponents. Solve Quadratic Equations by Completing the Square. Solve Applications Modeled by Quadratic Equations.

Graphing Quadratic Equations. This OpenStax book was imported into Pressbooks on July 29, , to make it easier for instructors to edit, build upon, and remix the content. Elementary Algebra is designed to meet the scope and sequence requirements of a one-semester elementary algebra course. The text expands on the fundamental concepts of algebra while addressing the needs of students with diverse backgrounds and learning styles.

Each topic builds upon previously developed material to demonstrate the cohesiveness and structure of mathematics. Under this license, any user of this textbook or the textbook contents herein must provide proper attribution as follows:.

For questions regarding this license, please contact support openstax. Share on Twitter. Read Book. Solving Linear Equations and Inequalities. Systems of Linear Equations. Rational Expressions and Equations. Book Description This OpenStax book was imported into Pressbooks on July 29, , to make it easier for instructors to edit, build upon, and remix the content. Subject Algebra. Click for more information. Metadata Title Elementary Algebra.

Under this license, any user of this textbook or the textbook contents herein must provide proper attribution as follows: The OpenStax name, OpenStax logo, OpenStax book covers, OpenStax CNX name, and OpenStax CNX logo are not subject to the creative commons license and may not be reproduced without the prior and express written consent of Rice University. If you use this textbook as a bibliographic reference, then you should cite it as follows: OpenStax , Elementary Algebra.


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